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Monday, April 16, 2007

"Submission" (part one)

You should watch this video:
If you can't connect with the link, go to U Tube and search for "Submission." You will find it no problem.

The video deals with the oppression of Muslim women in so many countries. The video is a prayer of one of these women to Allah, the Muslim God.

This short film was made by Theo van Gogh who was a Dutch movie maker and the brother of Vincent Van Gogh, who we all know as the famous painter/artist. The film was made with Ayaan Hirsi Ali who is currently working on "Submission Part 2."

Theo Van Gogh was killed by a Muslim fanatic in 2004 because of this film. His killer was 26 years old and attached a 5 page note to his body after killing him on the spot - Van Gogh was bicycling on the way to work at the time of his murder. Mohammed Bouyeri was arrested and sentanced to life in prison with no chance of parole. Not only did he shoot Van Gogh 8 times (among other things that I will leave out - google it if interested) but he did so with the intention of assasinating his film associate, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, next.

Apparently the oppression of Muslim women, and the nature of the Muslim God should not be questioned or challenged.

Theo Van Gogh is remembered and celebrated as "A martyr of free expression."


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