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"Be the change you wish to see in the world..." -Ghandi

Monday, October 16, 2006

these days

It's not that I don't like updating my blog or telling people about the adventures of my life. I really enjoy this blog thing, even though it probably looks like I only feel obligated to it. The truth is I have no idea what to say. I have a thousand thoughts bouncing around in my head, and where writing used to help me organize them, I can't seem to do it this time. I wonder what the deal is. Ive sat down at my computer plenty of times this month and...nothing. So, instead of trying to write something intelligent and thought provoking, Im just going to tell you what's up.

I live with my little brother, and he is fabulous. If you haven't met him, Im sorry, but you are missing out. He has the ability to make you think when you just aren't in the mood. He watches biographies, and inevitably has gotten me hooked. He makes me laugh, and sometimes he makes me worry because he is MIA. But he never disappears for too long - Plus he's been disappearing since he was 5, so I'm getting used to it. I could probably write an entire book about him and his crazy style of day to day living (and I might), but for now, I'll end the Cory section with the recent realization that my brother grew muscles. Okay, I was pummeled. Whatever Cory. Watch your back.

My other brother Jeremy, is in Thai land. Im a little jealous, but mostly Im just really excited for him. He reminds me of Will Smith. I know, Jeremy is white, but seriously, I can't even watch Men in Black without thinking of him. Some girl is going to be lucky someday when she finds him. One of the best guys I know.

My best friend and favourite person in the world, Andrew, just passed his RCMP test. This means more tests! In 2 weeks he will be running his physical test at 8:30am. He also has to fill out a huge character/personality questionnare and do a lie detector test at some point. Then, if he passes everything, he will go into training right away for 6 months. I have no doubt that he will be great at it! We sometimes laugh about our jobs and how he'll bring people in, and I'll work with them and send them back out! I sure love this guy.

I am going to the University of Regina for Social Work and am loving it. I told John Close last weekend that I can't wait for 2+ years to be over, so I can actually be doing what I am really passionate about. I want to set up programs and work with troubled Youth, in either a Correctional Facility, A prison, A home, etc... Lots of people have told me that Social Work is a hard job and will take a lot out of me. That It can be depressing and that a lot of people are worn out and torn down from the work involved in this career. They are probably right. But, then I listen to the voice that tells me who I am. And I realize that I wouldn't want a job that didn't take a lot out of me - I have a lot to give. Bring on the addicts, the victims, the abusive, the lost, the scared, the broken, the stubborn, and the violent - My heart beats for you guys.

I'm working at the church with a bunch of teens as the "Youth Ministry Coordinator" this year. This is one of my most favourite places to be - with the Youth. I usually end up spending a couple random weeknights with a teen (or a few), and then of course we all get together on Thursdays nights where we play ball and usually do something unneccesarily messy, or painful - what? Teenage boys thrive off of pain. And then we talk. Not just any talk though, Real Life Talk. The kind where I (and many of the leaders) am entrusted with their secrets, pains, frustrations about life, and questions. It is absolutely crazy what some of these kids go through and have to live with, but what an amazing gift to be able to be an influence and a support in their lives. I went to a 16th birthday party for one of the girls' Ive known since I moved here, and once I got there, all her friends were asking if I was the Carly that she calls her sister. Im a very blessed girl. It's not always fun though, and my head is always full of things from conversations I have had with them or experiences they have been through. I have called my mom more than a few times asking her, "How did you do it? How did you know what to do in this situation? What do you say when they ask you this?" A response I always remember is "I didn't know what to do." Then me..."What?!" Then her..."I didn't know what to do - I had to ask. I had to give it to God." God is teaching me many things through this work. How to trust and rely on him, being on the top of the list.

Well, that's it for now. I have to go assess Aquinas' arguments and examine whether others are deductively valid.


Blogger Jill Slywka said...

glad to see you back and to hear that things are going well. and i agree - it's a good feeling when you are doing something that you know you were made to do. most of the time, i feel like that too. good luck with school and everything.

10:02 AM  
Blogger xblairx said...

when andrew gets in the rcmp, i will hold up a bank and request him as the cop that i talk to for negotiations...then i'll shoot him.

6:24 PM  
Blogger chelsea rae said...

yeh carly!!! i miss you babe! but don't worry i will be behind blair when he thinks he shot andrew but really it was me shooting him...ha...he never expected it!...andrew is okay...just recovering from a mild case of shock.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Kara Deal said...

I am so glad to see that you are blogging again! Keep it up! This RCMP stuff totally blind-sided me! Wasn't he trying to be a... something else? I toatlly confuggled!

LOVE that your blogging though. LOVE IT!

9:09 PM  

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